David Dong

David Dong



  • posts

  • Install and remove application with command line in Ubuntu

    How to install and remove software in Ubuntu? Don’t worry, Ubuntu provides many ways to assist you in this task. Some of them are graphical tools like the built-in “Ubuntu Software Center,” or well-known tools such as “Synaptic” and “gdebi.” In this post, I want to discuss apt, a command-line tool. Because I prefer command-line tools, they are fast and straightforward.

  • mbedtls 使用说明


  • Inf2Cat 工具

    Windows 驱动开发中经常会用到 Windows WDK 自带的 Inf2Cat.exe 工具将驱动程序的 INF 文件转成待签名的 CAT 格式的目录文件。Windows 7 64位系统以上的版本,如果没有对cat或者sys文件进行数字签名,驱动安装会出现问题,或者驱动使用过程也会出现异常。因此,对驱动程序的签名已经是一项必须的操作,这里就介绍一下 Inf2Cat.exe 这个工具。这个工具本身并不能生成签名,但是却是驱动程序签名的必要的一步。

  • 浅谈数字签名

    近日,腾讯公司状告贵州老干妈的新闻在互联网上闹得沸沸扬扬,💥 大家也应该有所耳闻。腾讯起诉老干妈合作推广后没有付广告费,但随后老干妈否认了此事,称完全不知道这个合作。 😕 后来经调查发现,这是三个人冒充老干妈市场部经理,然后刻了个假公章,就为了获得合作后的游戏礼包并从中牟利。

  • COVID-19

    It has been 196 days passed since the first case was reported at WUHAN city, China. During the past half-year, millions of people were infected and more than 400000 died around the whole world. 😱

  • Fingerprint driver development in Windows(3)

    Following the last two articles…

  • Fingerprint driver development in Windows(2)


  • Fingerprint driver development in Windows(1)

    Windows 7 and later implements support for Biometric devices. The Windows Biometric Framework (WBF) is a generic biometric architecture in Windows 7 and later versions of Windows.

  • Use TraceView to trace windows driver log

    For the windows driver development as I am doing these days, Microsoft provides a log printing and log viewing mechanism, which can view the logs of specified driver files, filter the logs according to LEVEL and FLAG, or save them as files. This mechanism is WPP and TraceView.exe.

  • HelloWorld: my first SGX application

    A simple sample code to get started with the SGX application development.

  • Configure Intel SGX on Win10

    The first step we should know if the hardware support SGX.
    Which include:

    • BIOS support?
    • CPU support?
    • Software packages installed?
  • Some notes for WSL

    Recently I’m using WSL(Window Subsystem for Linux) for program development. This article presents some short notes for the WSL installation and usage.