David Dong

David Dong



  • posts

  • Python 开发编码规范(转)

    这篇文档所给出的编码约定适用于在主要的Python发布版本中组成标准库的Python 代码,请查阅相关的关于在Python的C实现中C代码风格指南的描述。

  • Display mathematics formula in blog with MathJax

    When writing posts, I need to display mathematics formulas sometimes. I write posts with Markdown, I don’t want to save the formula into an image and load the image in markdown. It is better to write the Latex formula in the markdown file directly. MathJax helped me. This article will introduce what MathJax is and how to use MathJax.

  • Python Pillow library usage

    I recently completed some image processing works by Pillow Library. Pillow provides a powerful function and has friendly APIs to the developer. I thought it is necessary to make some notes here for the usage.

  • RawPosts - A theme for Jekyll

    RawPosts is a simple, elegant, and clean Jekyll theme. It is born from the creation of my blog website. It is designed with a fully responsive feature and can be deployed on Github Pages. I open-sourced this theme on Github with an MIT license, so it is free for use.

  • 关于本博客模板使用上的一些问题

    本博客使用了 RawPosts 主题模板,不时有网友在 fork 使用该主题的时候提出了一些问题,这里我将该主题的使用方法汇总成一篇帖子,方便大家参考。

  • Install python3.6 on ubuntu16.04

    Today I spent some time installing the python3.6 on my ubuntu16.04. Here is a short note for the process, which might be useful for anyone who wants to do the same thing.

  • Use jekyll-toc plugin on Github Pages

    Today I want to add an auto TOC (Table of Contents) function to my blog. I used to write TOC manually and it is really boring. I found a good plugin jekyll-toc in Github, which can fully meet my requirement.

  • Syntax Highlighting your code in Jekyll with Rouge

    Syntax highlighting is important (especially for programming blogs) because it improves the readability of posts. This article will introduce a syntax highlighter - Rouge.

  • How did I implement related posts function in my blog

    What will you learn in this post?
    This post introduced how to implement the related posts function with Jekyll.

  • Liquid grammar

    I recently used Liquid language to design my blog website. The Liquid is an open-source template language written in Ruby. This article is a short study note of Liquid and presented some main knowledge.

  • Calculate reading time in Jekyll

    I believe it is a good idea to estimate the reading time of every post and display it to readers following the post excerpts.

  • Archive in Jekyll

    After setting up the pagination, the next thing I wanted to add to my blog was a proper archive by both date and category rather than just the reverse-chronological list of posts. Although this wasn’t as straightforward as setting up pagination, a bit of searching turned up some sites that helped me get everything running.